This system of solar water heater relies on a natural principal called “THERMO-SIPHON”.

In these systems the storage cylinder (the tank) is always located higher than the collector and as the sun rays hit the evacuated tubes, the temperature of the water in the collector rises making it less dense or lighter.

This hot and lighter water naturally moves to the top of the collector and via the evacuated collector tube to the storage cylinder. This makes the colder and heavier water move to the bottom of the collector. This continuous displacement occurs naturally. And it is often referred to “Passive” or “THERMO-SIPHON” System.

This system uses TECHNO-SOLAR M SERIES all glass vacuum tubes as heat collectors, the cylinder (tank) is made of argon welded stainless steel sheet (SUS 316 LOW CARBON) and the best insulation performance is ensured by high-density polyurethane integer foam made under high pressure and constant temperature conditions.