This series is an Active Split System, where the collector is separated from the storage cylinder (tank);
It provides flexibility for home designs where the collectors are located on the roof, and the storage cylinder on the ground level or below the collector’s level.
The system is fitted with a sensor at the collector outlet, and another one at the storage cylinder. A temperature difference between the two sensors activates the circulating pump which moves the cold water from the cylinder to the collector.
The solar energy is absorbed by the water and returned to the cylinder. The pump continues the circulation, and the water in the storage cylinder will be heated. An added advantage to this system is that it can be scaled up virtually without limits, thus providing large scale projects such as hotels, motels, swimming pools, gyms… and any other place where hot water is needed with an extremely efficient and cost effective solution, another huge advantage is the possibility of linking this system to the floor heating systems of a residential unit thus saving between 50-80% on the energy bill of the house.